Travel Articles

Best carry-on travel backpack that saves me money when I fly

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I have searched for the perfect luggage many times. As a kid, I brought a full size suitcase with me everywhere I traveled. The bigger the better I thought; who cared if I used the stuff in it, at least I had the option. I didn’t have to carry it (sorry whoever carried it for me). In college, I bought my first real travel backpack — the kind you can live out of. You’ve probably seen a college kid shlepping one around Europe from train to train. Shoes dangling from it. Towel and sleeping bag stuffed in there somewhere.

carry-on baggage, luggage, suitcase-5033556.jpg

Yeah, bigger was better when checked luggage was free. Then for a while, carry on luggage sizes were generous and it seemed like if you could carry it, you could carry it on. I found the biggest bag I could carry and made good use of it. But eventually, we got to now. Now I need a bag that can meet the strict rules for carry on luggage with the budget airlines. And having tried to lug a suitcase or two around the Paris metro or up three flights of stairs to an AirBnB, I knew I wanted a backpack. Turns out, six backpacks to be exact – one for each of us. I have long been a believer in the “carry your own load” philosophy when traveling. If you don’t want to carry it, don’t bring it, I tell my kids. One of many lessons kids can learn while traveling.

The backpack

After lots of searching, measuring, and comparing, I bought the Hynes Eagle Carry On. I wasn’t familiar with the brand. By the next trip, my oldest daughter asked me to buy her one like mine. I bought her the Hynes Eagle Carry On in Red Violet. The following year, Gary’s backpack had several rips and he asked me to order him the same one I had. Our little kids were carrying their school backpacks initially as their clothes were small, and they were comfortable carrying the backpacks. But as each kid grew up, one-by-one I purchased each kid their own, but in another color. We now own 2 black ones, the red violet one, the Hynes Eagle Carry On in Gray, the Hynes Eagle Carry On with the Stamps design, and one in navy blue (no longer available).


This is a 38L backpack, sold by Amazon. It is a flight approved size for carry on, and we have personally tested it on budget carriers including RyanAir and Air Transat. The dimensions are listed as: 13 x 7.9 x 19.7 inches/33 x 20 x 50 cm.

The price has decreased over the years, despite inflation. I guess that really makes this bag a bargain. 

The most notable thing about this backpack though, is how sturdy it really is! I have had mine for at least 5 years and taken it on numerous trips each year. It looks pretty much the way it did when I bought it. I didn’t expect it to last nearly this long and am impressed. That is why I am writing about it. 

I also like how the backpack opens like a suitcase. I pack it like one and my clothes really aren’t all that wrinkled after 15 or more hours of travel. And I jam it full. And the zipper holds.  I feel like I am asking for a lot and this bag delivers. 

The straps are adjustable which is important as my kids grow. The straps connect in front at the chest to add extra support. The straps can be tucked into the bag if you don’t want them. The backpack also has a deep pocket on the back side where I can slide my laptop in.

The best part might be the look we get in Europe, when they ask us “where is the rest of your luggage?” and I tell them, “this is all we brought.” They look about as surprised as I am when we manage to put all 6 bags in the itty bitty (non existent by U.S. standards) trunks of our rental cars.

Packing Cubes

When I bought the first backpack, I don’t recall having the option to get it with packing cubes. But over the years, I noticed they were available and we opted in. We now have the packing cubes for all our bags. They are equally sturdy, fit perfectly, and keep things nicely organized. And they are an inexpensive add-on, to an already excellent priced bag. 

Sara Joy, founder of Sara Joy Travel, brings over 40 years of European travel experience to her blog along with writing experience gained from over 700 articles across various websites. She has lived and studied in four countries. Her degrees in psychology and international studies provides insight into new places she visits, transforming her blog into a treasure trove for fellow travelers and the curious. Her master's degree in adult & organizational learning and leadership helps her educate others through her writings. Off the road, Sara works in higher education, and is wrapping up her doctorate in the same field. Whether exploring new destinations or expanding educational horizons, Sara is always on an adventure.

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